

2010 – A Great Year!

24 December 2010

What a year! It has certainly flown by. Among this busy year two highlights stand out as a measure of the progress that has been achieved at Poronui. Firstly, Poronui was recognised by Forbes Magazine as one of the top 10 fishing lodges worldwide. We are very proud of this as it recognises the continued commitment to provide premium quality fishing experiences at one of the best lodges you’ll find anywhere.

We were equally thrilled when Poronui received a conservation award from the Department of Conservation early in December. We set a benchmark for ourselves of being responsible stewards of the land and to protect and enhance the ecological values of the rivers, wetlands and forests on the property. The award recognises this commitment and shows that it is possible to develop land in an environmentally responsible manner.

As they say time flies when you are having fun – or working hard! In our case it is a bit of both, work is always more enjoyable when the results follow. The priority has been strengthening the tourism business at Poronui while developing farming and other land management ventures. The diversification is certainly starting to pay dividends.

We anticipate a great summer of fishing and with Poronui Hunting now underway autumn is looking busy at Poronui . To top this off anyone visiting Poronui of late could not help notice the dramatic change to the landscape. The eucalyptus plantation is slowly being replaced by expansive grasslands. In many ways it’s turning the property back to the Poronui of old, bringing with it a renewed focus on farming.

We look forward to seeing many of you in 2011. In the meantime all the very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year from everyone at Poronui.

Steve Smith

General Manager

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